by Clear Church Communications | May 20, 2022 | Clear Church Communications
How to position your church in your community FollowFollowFollow Schedule a Call One of the things we find churches struggle with the most is defining their place, or role, in their community. We think so long and hard about our Sunday services, ministries, and...
by Joe Garrison | Jun 24, 2020 | Clear Church Communications
Why your church needs a Re-Exit plan FollowFollowFollow For the last few months, we’ve all been dreaming and planning for how we would bring our churches together again. At this point, it feels like we’ve fully entered the reopening phase of pandemic church. Churches...
by Joe Garrison | Jun 22, 2020 | Clear Church Communications
Church: Let’s stop playing the hero FollowFollowFollow “I Love My Church!” It seems like every church has some version of this shirt. The goal is obvious, to show love and pride for our church community. We want people in our neighborhoods and community to see...
by Joe Garrison | Jun 17, 2020 | Clear Church Communications
Are you doing church staff bios wrong? FollowFollowFollow Imagine never having attended your church before. You live close by and drive by the church every day. One day, God (or something) nudges you to look deeper. So, you grab your phone and look up the church’s...
by Joe Garrison | May 12, 2020 | Clear Church Communications
Pastors: 4 Tips to Write Better Online FollowFollowFollow Writing for an online audience is not the same as writing a formal letter or preaching a sermon. In a lot of traditions, there is a certain formality to the way a pastor writes and preaches. Often, there is an...