Why you need to throw out your old order of worship (for now)
Imagine 75% of your congregation walking out before you even start your sermon.
That is basically what is happening right now as our churches produce online worship services. Chances are, within about 90 seconds, you’re losing 50% of your initial audience and by the time your sermon starts, you’ve lost 75% of your initial audience.
Don’t worry. It’s not all your fault!
It’s ok. Don’t freak out! It’s not all your fault. When the world flipped upside down due to the Coronavirus and COVID-19, we all did the best thing we could come up with at the time…take the worship service we typically provide on Sunday mornings and film it for internet consumption.
At first, that was fine. Everyone was doing it like that. Your congregation appreciated it and you were even bringing in some new folks doing it.
The problem is, the novelty wore off, and distractions crept in.
Watching from home is different.
The first few weeks probably went pretty well. After a while, the novelty wore off. Sunday mornings blurred together with every other morning because, honestly, they don’t feel much different.
While trying to engage with church online, people are being slammed with all kinds of distractions…
- Kids who only last about 5 min before going crazy
- Clothes need to be moved from the washer to the drier
- Amazon delivering packages during worship
- The Internet feed going in and out
- Spilled drinks
- Fighting children
- Constant notifications on Facebook
- No shame in responding to texts
The list could go on.
How to adjust to meet the times
People are watching online. You don’t have a captive audience for an entire hour or more. You have to adapt because they won’t.
I know you probably have a longheld order of worship that you, and even your denomination, have used for years (Decades? Centuries?).
You need to throw it out. At least for now.
You don’t have 25 minutes to ramp up to the sermon. You have about 90 seconds.
Here are some ideas to capture your audience more quickly and keep them through the sermon.
- Prioritize the Most Impactful Content First
- Your most important content, likely the sermon, should begin within 2 minutes of the video starting. Just before you’ve lost your largest audience.
- Give a BRIEF Welcome
- Take 60 seconds and welcome people, but don’t drag on and DON’T give announcements.
If you don’t have anything to say that is crucial, just welcome people and get on with the service.
- Take 60 seconds and welcome people, but don’t drag on and DON’T give announcements.
- Consider Singing Later
- If you have to sing up front just do a verse and a chorus and bring the song back in full after the sermon.
You can do a few songs if you want after the message.
- If you have to sing up front just do a verse and a chorus and bring the song back in full after the sermon.
- Move Less Critical Content to The End
- Announcements
- Offering
- Attendance request
If you think about it, you’re basically flipping your order of worship upside down.
- Welcome
- Sermon
- Worship Music
- Announcements etc.
It might seem a bit like sacrilege to those of you that have been preparing worship services for years. However, the internet is different and you have to rise to meet the moment.
Don’t be deceived by Facebook Reach
Some of you are thinking, “Joe! You’re wrong! We’re a church of 80 on a normal week and Facebook says we’re reaching hundreds (or thousands) of people.”
Facebook stats are deceiving.
First, the “Reach” stat on Facebook is how many people saw your video on their feed. That could simply mean that someone scrolled past your video and didn’t engage with it at all, let alone open it and watch it for 40 minutes.
Second, Audience Retention is a stat most overlook and the most important. Facebook gives you a graph of what percentage of your audience was present at any given time in the video. Below you can see a real breakdown of how a church’s audience fluctuates throughout their 30min service.
You can see within 2 minutes they lost 54% of their audience. By 15min in, 75% of their audience had left. In other words, about the time many churches are starting their sermon.
By starting their sermon at the 2-minute mark, they would have had double the audience and a better chance of retaining more of that audience throughout the sermon.
Don’t be stubborn. Adapt and make a difference.
Everything has changed. Only some of it will go back to how it used to be.
For now, our churches need to be as flexible as possible. Adapt to meet the times. Be willing to take risks and do things differently to reach new people and continue to minister to the congregations we have.
We can do this. I know, as a whole, churches aren’t known for making massive changes at breakneck paces. I grew up United Methodist. I get it!
Churches that are flexible and willing to be a bit innovative will be the ones that come out of the pandemic stronger than ever.
I fear that many of our churches will stick to the old ways of doing things, refusing to adapt, and might never open their doors again. That would be a shame.
Let’s adapt and continue to share the Gospel in new and transformative ways.
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I will practice what you are recommending. We are following that guidelines, but we will shorten the welcome and prayers????
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but as a worship leader I disagree with #3. Worship is the primary reason for meeting, not teaching. I know that seems a little radical but by assuming that the singing portion of a service is not essential and can be put at the end where the blog stated the audience may have already turned you off, then you are losing the main purpose for meeting. Creating a service where worship intentionally or unintentionally is deemed less important then you are creating an incomplete fellowship. What is happening now could never replace live worship and depending on what you offer your church there will be some that will lose interest, however it is still necessary to offer the same basic spiritual food groups and not make it one-sided where the preaching is the most important and everything else is secondary.
Thanks for the thoughts, Mark! What are your thoughts on doing the music aspect of worship separately? We have one church that does a Facebook Live on Wednesday evenings called “Worship Wednesday.” It’s all music and Scripture and has good engagement. Do you think everything needs to be delivered in one sitting, or could we do worship and Scripture at one time, teaching another, maybe do another time that is more liturgical reading/response time, etc.? Thanks again or taking the time to read and offer your thoughts!
I happen to disagree here. Worship IS important but the primary goal is teaching. Jesus told the woman of Samaria that the Father seeks those that worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Worship must be based in the truth of God’s Word. Also, the Great Cpmmission states that we are to go forth preaching, baptizing and teaching. If we get the priority right, then the worship will c po me as well. Not only the proper kind but also the proper attitude.
Thanks, Elbert! Appreciate you taking the time to read and share your thoughts.